سخنرانی جدید توجه و تذکر

The Treasure

از ولایت حضرت علی و حضرت زهرا
پرش به:ناوبری، جستجو


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

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Contents of this book; It is part of the great efforts of one of the great Shia mystics, which has been expressed to better understand Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). God willing, we appreciate the valuable truths that have been given to us.

Amir al-Mu'minin said: Wanẓur ilā mā qāl, walā tanẓur ilā man qāl[۱] [۲]

Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) says: Look at what is being said. Do not look at who is saying.

Someone who does not have Ali (Peace be upon him) has no existence at all

Someone who does not have Ali, has no existence at all.

A mosque without Ali (Peace be upon him) is ẓirār[۳], it is ruined.

Worship without Ali (Peace be upon him) is imaginary.

A Book without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a booklet.

A Quran without Ali (Peace be upon him) is the paper and the pen.

A scholar without Ali (Peace be upon him) is ignorant.

A world without Ali (Peace be upon him) is swallowed.

A word without Ali (Peace be upon him) is “I”.

A commandment without Ali (Peace be upon him) is Bid'ah[۴].

A generosity without Ali (Peace be upon him) is taste.

A Kaaba[۵] without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a stone and clod.

A destination without Ali (Peace be upon him) is falsehood.

A Muslim without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a claim.

A Dhikr[۶] without Ali (Peace be upon him) is the recitation.

A precedent and teaching without Ali (Peace be upon him) are Judge Shurayh[۷].

A session without Ali (Peace be upon him) is Bani Sa'ida[۸].

A justice without Ali (Peace be upon him) is cruelty and hypocrisy.

A Wilaya without Ali (Peace be upon him) is humanism.

A living person without Ali (Peace be upon him) is dead.

A dead person with Ali (Peace be upon him) is alive.

An angel without Ali (Peace be upon him) is Satan.

An affection without Ali (Peace be upon him) is spite.

A reward without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a sin.

A population without Ali (Peace be upon him) is the falsehood and the killer of Hussein (Peace be upon him).

A pleasure without Ali (Peace be upon him) is humiliation.

A deed without Ali (Peace be upon him) is "habā’an manthurā"[۹]

A belief without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a taste.

A Tawaf[۱۰] without Ali (Peace be upon him) is to spin.

A path without Ali (Peace be upon him) is not straight.

A Noah's ship without Ali (Peace be upon him) is unstable.

An acceptance of the Prophet without Ali (Peace be upon him) is apostasy and infidelity.

A world without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a pig's bone.

A narration without Ali (Peace be upon him) is a word.

An intercession without Ali (Peace be upon him) does not exist!

A God without Ali (Peace be upon him) is disbelief; by the commandment of God because Ali (Peace be upon him) is the destination of God.

Repentance without Ali (Peace be upon him) is rejected.

A time without Ali (Peace be upon him) does not exist.

Heaven without Ali (Peace be upon him) is ugly.

A blessing without Ali (Peace be upon him) is misery.

Obedience without Ali (Peace be upon him) is disobeying.


Under the dome of Imam Hussein, I told him: Dear Sir! Give me a position to reveal your mother Zahra (Peace be upon her) and your father Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). I just want your mother to smile at me, I do not want anything else! Zahra's smile is the satisfaction of all creation, I want your mother Zahra's satisfaction more than heaven and paradise and all creation.

If after the Prophet (Peace be upon him) they came to the help Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) would laugh and be happy, but they made her sad and organized the meeting of Bani Sa'ida[۸] and misled the people until the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) was kissing the chest of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), Sometimes Aisha[۱۱] protested. The Prophet was saying: Whenever I eager for heaven, I kiss Fatima's chest.[۱۲]

Zahra's chest is the treasure! That is, what is the rules and commandment in all creation, is in the chest of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). If we named this book the treasure, this book was written by the commandment of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her).

You should pay close attention to this when you read this book. If your mind is elsewhere, you are not familiar with the spirit of this book. These words were in the atmosphere of creation and are now mentioned in this book. This book is to remind of calamity and to reveal Wilaya. The desire of the pure Imams also is to reveal Wilaya.

I wish the respected preacher would pay attention that everything is in this book and did not look for anything else. Praise be to God, with the help of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), this book is a Mushaf! And the words that were not allowed to be revealed at that time are mentioned in this book.

By Allah, I see and I know, there are those who do not respect this book. I swear by my religion, these are the ones who did not respect the Mushaf![۱۳] Few people respect this book. my heart is torn, but it was commanded these words be said. We wrote this book by her commandment. Hazrat [Zahra] said: Say!

The people of that time belonged to this world who did not accept the talking Quran, Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him). By Allah, anyone who belongs to this world does not deserve to read this book. As this book was unknown at that time, it is now unknown. Only the person whose Wilaya is injectable accepts this book because Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) wants Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Fatima al-Zahra wants this book! You must accept the Wilaya to accept this book, otherwise, you will not be in the mood to read it and read a little of it and leave it aside, because you are not sure about the rulings, but you are in the mood for video, TV, and satellite, and these are above the rulings and commandment in your opinion! This book is The Theory of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her).

Just as they did not accept Fatima al-Zahra's words, I swear by the thirty parts of the Quran, they will not accept this book, because, like the same people, they are also still in this world. Aren't the descendants of the Umayyads and Banu Marwan in this world? I cannot reveal that you accuse me. Because most of you consider sinners to be innocent and innocent people to be sinners. Those who killed Hazrat Fatima (Peace be upon her) in order not to reveal the Mushaf[۱۳], are still killing Mottaqi today in order not to reveal the rulings! Because people are dependent on sin, but Mottaqi says do not sin and follow God and the Imams (Peace be upon them). He constantly makes us aware. These people do not want to be aware; they want to be free! For this reason, the Imam (Peace be upon him) says: In the End Time if a person dies with religion, the angels of heaven will wonder! You must read these words and cry for the oppression of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), then I swear by all the verses of the Quran! You have cried for the twelve Imams, the fourteen infallible (Peace be upon them). Because Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) says: When they killed my mother, Fatima (Peace be upon her), they killed us all!

The Treasure

All creation is particles, Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is superior to particles, that is, if you have a particle of the affection for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), you will be saved, but you should not have the affection for anyone else, only the affection for Ali (Peace be upon him)! Inside everyone must be God to accept Wilaya. If your heart does not want God, you will not accept Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), because the commandment of God is Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him). The Sunnis, Say, God, God and the Quran, the Quran, but this is a pretense because they do not accept the commandment of God.

Knowing Ali (Peace be upon him) is knowing God, not knowing God is knowing Ali (Peace be upon him), because the knowledge that you do not accept God's commandment is not correct! What is the knowledge of the god that the Sunnis have, but does God turn them away from himself and say that they are infidels and apostates? He also says about the End Time: If a person dies with religion, the angels of heaven will wonder, because we do not have Wilaya and we implement our belief into Wilaya, while we should implement Wilaya into ourselves.

Acceptance of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is acceptance of all creation, that is, if all creation does not say Ali, God will not accept them. This is the law of God! If you knew Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), you knew the whole of creation, otherwise, you would not have known anything. If you knew Ali (Peace be upon him), you would not become God, but you become the attributes of God! Because only God knows Ali (Peace be upon him), no one knows him completely! God did not say about anyone If you worship as much as all the humans and jinns but do not accept Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali (Peace be upon him) as “Alyauma akmaltu lakum deenakum”[۱۴], I will throw you in hell from the face!

So, God wants Wilaya, not worship! It is like what the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said to Salman: If the whole world went to one side and Ali (Peace be upon him) went to the other side, go to Ali! So, if you are not a follower of Ali (Peace be upon him), then the follower of any other person is false. But in the End Time, they will determine an instance for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). Why does he say the End Time is "the worst times"?[۱۵] Because all these people are going to the instance, not going to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him)! Some want America, some want Britain, and some follow [other] religions. All this is determining the instance [for Wilaya]. At that time, they determined an instance [for Wilaya] that God said they are apostates and infidels! We must follow the words [of the Imam]. Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) says: “I am the talking Quran”

Let you have Ali (Peace be upon him) to be honored to all the possibilities of God. Because all creation says Ali (Peace be upon him)! On the bases of the Throne of God is written Ali! (Peace be upon him)! The doorbell of heaven is Ali (Peace be upon him). The Throne of God is the passage of Ali (Peace be upon him). So, if he says “Qalb al-Mumin 'arsh al-rrahmān”[۱۶], in that heart, there must be the will of Ali (Peace be upon him), not the creature, not the founder of Bid'ah[۴], and not the false imaginations! Your heart must say Ali (Peace be upon him), like the one whose heart said Ali, Ali [Mottaqi]!

Everywhere, there is the place for Ali (Peace be upon him). Why? The second, one night, hosted Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). In the morning of that day, he said: Last night, Ali (Peace be upon him) was our house. Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) said: Ali (Peace be upon him) was at home! The angels also said: Ali (Peace be upon him) was on the Throne of God. So, Ali (Peace be upon him) is everywhere. The place is too small for Ali (Peace be upon him) to be in it. Just as God has created the place, the place is in Ali (Peace be upon him), not that Ali (Peace be upon him) is in the place! When God speaks, His voice comes from all creation; So, God has no place! All creation is the name of God, all creation is the name of Ali (Peace be upon him).

No one understands the kingdom of God. In all creation, the one who disobeys is human. The human can be both "ulāika kal an'ām bal hom aḍal"[۱۷] and can be eternal. When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) went to Mi'raj[۱۸], they reached a camel train loaded with books, and he paused for a moment. Gabriel said we must pass under it. It is a star that shines once every thirty thousand years and I have seen it thirty thousand times and this train still goes. He asked what is in these books? He said: These are all virtues of your cousin, Ali (Peace be upon him) who goes to all heavenly bodies! Therefore, all the heavenly bodies of creation must say the virtues of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). This world is like a poppy seed thrown into the space of this creation, and this was created by God to test mankind. The Quran was revealed to him during the time of the Prophet, but before the revelation of the Quran, these books were distributed all over the heavenly bodies and they had to be obeyed.

All the heavenly bodies of creation are set; That is, they say “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasūl Allah, Ali walī Allah.”[۸] It becomes clear that Wilaya has been revealed to all of them and the Quran is for us that we are earthly! The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I entrust two great things to you: One is the Quran and one is 'Itra[۱۹]. He put his hand on the shoulder of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and said: Ask him the Quran. There, the second one was torn the Prophet's heart and said: “Hasbunā kitābu Allāh”[۲۰]; God's book is enough for us and he pushed away 'Itra[۱۹].

Is it possible to set aside 'Itra[۱۹]? If God can be set aside, 'Itra[۱۹] can also be set aside! 'Itra[۱۹] is not aside, 'Itra[۱۹] is the whole of creation. In fact, God has created creation due to Ali and the children of Ali (Peace be upon them)! Beloved of God, the destination of God and the commandment of God, is Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali (Peace be upon him). Those books that were loaded with camels are all virtues of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him) that are issued to all creation.

The regulation of the whole creation is the acceptance of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). Is the sentence that God says: "If you do not accept Ali, I will burn you" been said to us who are very few and weak? This is for the whole of creation. Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is the commander of all the heavenly bodies! God's purpose in turning all the heavenly bodies is Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him).

God's commandment is Ali (Peace be upon him), God's purpose is Ali (Peace be upon him). Now, instead of accepting Wilaya, human makes a similar for Amir al-Mu'minin, Yasub al-Din[۲۱], Imam al-Mubin[۲۲], decisive argument of Allah, the Prophet's testator, Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him). Did not they do this action after the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him)? We must understand, but the more I look, the more ignorance comes out of these people!

When God created all this creation, He issued a commandment: O creation! Be obedient to Ali (Peace be upon him); That is, all creation is in the power of Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali (Peace be upon him). Why? The sun is fixed in place and this world revolves around it. Now Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) turned it. So, the authority of all creation is with him. To the blindness of those who make a similar for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). They are the dumbest people, even dumber than animals!

In fact, there is no one that God can talk about except Ali (Peace be upon him)! Everything of God is Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). Everything of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). Everything of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) is also Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) who sacrificed his life for Ali (Peace be upon him). Why does Hazrat Fatima (Peace be upon her) say: I sacrificed my life for Ali (Peace be upon him) and does not say I sacrificed my life for God? Because the commandment of God is Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) sacrificed herself for the commandment of God! Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) also sacrificed for Ali (Peace be upon him), when he said why did you kill me? They said: “Boghḍan li abīk”[۲۳] Now that Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) was sacrificed for Ali (Peace be upon him), then God says: “Yā thār Allah”[۲۴]! O my blood! That is, dear Hussein! When they insulted you, they shed my blood and killed me! All creation has been sacrificed for Ali (Peace be upon him).

Dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) is superior to all creation. Because Imam (Peace be upon him) says: We are the decisive argument for all creation; My mother, Zahra, is the decisive argument for us. Or Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) says: When they killed my mother, Fatima (Peace be upon her), they killed us all. So, if Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) sacrifices herself for Ali (Peace be upon him), the whole creations are sacrificed for Ali (Peace be upon him). Fatimah al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) is superior to all creation.

There is hatred in all the drops of my blood, a hatred that I cannot speak, until, God willing, the truth of creation, the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him), comes and we become coordinated with him and speak our words. At that time, the foreheads will be stamped with a believer or a hypocrite, and the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) will behead the hypocrites. (Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon him) swears that the one who stamps is my ancestor, Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him).) At that time ,Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and her enemies can be revealed. Now, here we reveal some of those facts:

God says: O Muhammad! If it were not for you, I would not have created the earth and the sky, and if it were not for Ali (Peace be upon him), I would not have created you, [and] if it were not for Zahra (Peace be upon her), I would not have created both of you. As the Prophet (Peace be upon him) says: I was a prophet when Adam was in the mud, Or Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) says: I have come hiddenly with all the prophets, and visibly with the prophet of the End Time. Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) has also been. Why? The Quran was revealed to the Prophet and the Mushaf[۱۳] to Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). The Mushaf[۱۳] has been in all creations and before the Quran, so dear Zahra has also been. All the prophets had to obey the commandment of the Quran[۲۵] and live with the Quran. The Quran is for the earthlings and the test of the people of this world, but as for the Mushaf[۱۳], the heavens passed the test.

The Quran was spread throughout creation. Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) wanted it to be spread out in this world as well, but the second person did not let and wrote to Muawiya[۲۶] that I killed Zahra and did not let him reveal the Mushaf[۱۳]. Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) was killed because of the Mushaf[۱۳] and supporting Ali (Peace be upon him); Because if she revealed it, it would be clear that they were usurpers. One of the characteristics of the Mushaf[۱۳] is that it contains the names of the Shias and all the events until the Day of Resurrection. A person came to Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon him) and claimed worship and holiness. The Imam rejected him and said: Your name is not in Mushaf[۱۳] of my mother, Zahra (Peace be upon her).

When the Prophet kissed Zahra's chest (Peace be upon her), Aisha[۱۱] was protesting! The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was saying: Whenever I want to smell heaven, I kiss her chest; That is, Zahra's chest is Wilaya! Now, who broke Fatima's chest? Do you want such a person?! I swear to Zahra {{Alas}! The Prophet (Peace be upon him) kisses Wilaya. If the Prophet is a revealer, then Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the reveal herself. I swear by all the verses of the Quran! I walk through the creation and say, Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the revealer of all creation.

We do not know Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her)! We need to know who Zahra (Peace be upon her) is! Did you follow Zahra (Peace be upon her), if you named yourself Zahraei? See what comes out of your mouth. Is Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) satisfied with what you are saying? You must be a follower of Zahra (Peace be upon her). Some of us want to use our names and jobs materially. Woe to us!

I swear by the spirits of all the prophets! If you want to mention the name of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), you must perform ablution. Is ablution washing hands and face? Ablution means that you have to give up the whole world and other things, then say Zahra (Peace be upon her)! Fatima means this! The Prophet says: If you name your daughter Zahra, respect her, lest you hit her, respect Zahra's name. Now, they insulted Zahra herself.

Although God said that the light of the earth and the heavens is due to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) was shining in appearance. Although Aisha[۱۱] was not well with Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), she narrates that while Zahra was in Medina, we were threading with Zahra's light at night.[۲۷] That is, the light of Zahra (Peace be upon her) had covered the whole of Medina. Now she says this, but maybe this light had covered the whole world! Zahra (Peace be upon her) means light emitter.[۲۸]

Did you know Zahra (Peace be upon her) or not? I said: Dear Zahra! Blessed is the Jew to whom you have entrusted your chador[۲۹], what do we have?! We must have the affection for Zahra (Peace be upon her). Fatima's affection is that we always remember her calamities and hate her enemies. Now Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) lent her chador[۲۹] to that Jewish Simon and got some barley to bake bread. People thought they were poor, but they did not know that all creation is by the commandment of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and in this way, she wants to guide that Jew! When night fell, Simon saw a light go up into the sky, looked well, and saw Zahra's chador[۲۹] shining. Just as Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the light, her chador[۲۹] also shines.

The Jew saw Fatima's chador[۲۹] and became a Muslim, but those Muslims saw and killed her. They did not know Fatima (Peace be upon her) and did these works! Knowing Zahra is knowing creation. Because God only said about her that she is my nāmūs.[۳۰] This is unique to Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her).

Just as Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is "kufuwan aẖad"[۳۱], so dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) is "kufuwan aẖad"[۳۱]! That is, she is unique. Those who killed Zahra (Peace be upon her) Killed "kufuwan aẖad"[۳۱]! I wish they treated her like a normal woman. I swear by all the verses of the Quran! I wonder why I do not die! God has kept me with His power, otherwise, I will have to die of this grief. Does anyone slap an ordinary woman, break her arm, and put her between the door and the wall?! They did not respect her as much as a Muslim woman. Why? They had a grudge! They said Islam without Ali (Peace be upon him) and the people followed them and they were all rebuked.

The whole effort and belief of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) was that those two people should not progress and the people should submit to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) so that both they and the future will be guided. So, with a bruised face, a broken side, and a swollen arm, he rode a donkey and went to the house of Muhajir and Ansar[۳۲] to come and help Ali (Peace be upon him)! Because the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him) said: Dear Ali! If forty people were with you, take your rights from those two persons. Fatimah Zahra (Peace be upon her) wanted those forty people to come. They had to come with drawn swords and shaved heads, rolled up sleeves, but no one came! Only Salman, Abu Dharr, Miqdad, and Ammar Yasir came.

Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) wanted Wilaya to be revealed. Finally, she said to all this creation and people: Ali (Peace be upon him) is the truth, the truth is Ali (Peace be upon him)! Because if Ali (Peace be upon him) is not, the truth [God] will not accept you. She announced to all the universes: Now that you have not come, I am sacrificing my life for Ali (Peace be upon him). I swear by my religion, Zahra's call is in all this creation, but the only ones who act are the heavens. God said: Dear Zahra! O my nāmūs[۳۰]! O nāmūs[۳۰] of the universe! If the earthlings did not respond to your "Hal min nāsir"[۳۳], I will create heavenly spheres that will respond to your call. I create creations that say only Ali (Peace be upon him). I swear by my religion, All the heavenly spheres are for Zahra's happiness, otherwise in this world where people turned their backs on Wilaya and followed the creature!

At any time, some people in this world are elected and govern the people. After the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him) those two persons were elected and after that, the Umayyads and the Abbasids came and the people followed them. All this is elected by [the people of ] this world, not by God and the Prophet, and all of them are in falsehood! There were some who plotted and were antagonized to Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him) from the beginning. When they came to propose to Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), the Prophet said: Zahra's husband's choice is with God. The call came: O Muhammad! I am sending a star from the sky. If it goes to someone's house, Zahra is his wife. People decorated and cleaned their houses. They are so ignorant that they want Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) to be their wife and at their command, but they saw that the star came and went to the house of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him).

The marriage of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) has been concluded on the Throne. For Zahra, it is not a peer other than Ali (Peace be upon him), nor is Ali a peer other than Zahra (Peace be upon her).[۳۴] But God made it so that people would not protest.

God made water and salt the Mahr[۳۵] of Zahra. (In the past, they did not sell water and salt, they said that if we sold it, it would be an insult to the Mahr[۳۵] of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her).) If it was more important than water, God would have made it the Mahr[۳۵] of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). All creation, even the heavens, need water, and if there is no water, all of them will dry up. Therefore, all creation is not only in debt to Zahra (Peace be upon her) Rather, it is in debt the Mahr[۳۵] of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). Shia is the heir of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)! When Zahra's heir uses water, she should thank God that God gave him Zahra (Peace be upon her). Due to Zahra (Peace be upon her) gave him the seas and rain, Due to the Mahr[۳۵] of Zahra (Peace be upon her) all creatures are green. Why do you pay attention to the production of foreigners and not to the production of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)? If you drink water and wash your face, you should know that you are indebted to Zahra (Peace be upon her). {{درباره متقی|When I open the shower, I say: Dear Zahra! I am being cleansed by your Mahr[۳۵]. If you are like this, you will always remember Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her).

We are forgetful! As the people of that time forgot the compliments of the Messenger of God about Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and left Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) alone. Now, those who were antagonized to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), said: We must cut Ali's kinship with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) because Ali is respected among the people because of the husband of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)! How do we do this? We must kill Zahra (Peace be upon her) with the name of Islam [under the pretext of Islam]! After that, they gathered in the meeting of Bani Sa'ida[۸] and elected a successor for the Prophet (Peace be upon him), they came to the mosque and took a pledge of allegiance to the first person. They said that Ali (Peace be upon him) had not pledged allegiance to the caliph of the people and had not come to the mosque for some time. The second said: Did not the Prophet say that whoever did not come to the mosque, go to him? And misused this narration. Then he said to Mughira[۳۶]: Go and tell Ali (Peace be upon him) to come to the mosque. When Mughira[۳۶] arrived near the house, Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) told him that Ali (Peace be upon him) is collecting the Quran. Mughira[۳۶] returned and the second said, "Did you see that Ali (Peace be upon him) did not come?" He is dividing between Muslims. Let's all go together and bring Ali (Peace be upon him) to the mosque! And they attacked the house of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) with the people. Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) said: They may be ashamed of the Prophet's compliments and in order to the ultimatum, she came behind the door and said: The water of my father's ghusl[۳۷] has not dried yet! The second said: Put aside feminine talk, open the door, or I will set the door on fire! They said that Hassan and Hussein are present in this house! Gabriel has been kissed the door of this house and the Prophet has been entered with permission. He said: The division that occurs in Islam is more important than these words! I will burn the house with its inhabitants. Bring firewood! And set fire to the door.

One of the preachers had said that The reason for Hazrat Zahra's death was the sheath of a sword that qunfudh[۳۸] hit in her arm. I sent him a message, what do you say? If someone breaks his hand, will he die? The reason for Hazrat Zahra's death was the second. He wrote to Muawiya[۲۶]: When I saw that Zahra was behind the door, I felt a little pity, but I remembered the hatred I had with Ali (Peace be upon him) and pushed the door so hard that I crushed Fatima's muscles. (That means all parts of his body are crushed!) O Muawiya[۲۶]! Know that Zahra (Peace be upon her) no longer reveals the Mushaf[۱۳].

Not that Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the Throne of God, Zahra's house is the Throne of God. The Throne of God is the passage of the Imams (Peace be upon them); The house of Zahra (Peace be upon her) is also the place of these. It is above the sky and this is on the earth. If [Zahra's house] was not the Throne that Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) would allow her uncle to enter, The second set fire to the Throne of God. The same fire ignited and set fire to the tents of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). Those who came and set fire to the door of Hazrat Fatima's house also set fire to the tents of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). These were the same people and they are still from that generation! Unless the Imam of the Time comes and beheads them.

"O Fatima, wait, A lady that your side is broken! That doctor of painful people will come with a bottle of medicine and treatment."[۴۰]

God has kept that Mottaqi, otherwise he will die from the grief of the attacks on Fatimah al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him); Because the attacks were bad attacks! All the cruelty and crime that takes place in this world is done by those who follow the creature! All I am saying is do not follow the people, it is because dog lover, catamite, illegitimate, Yazid could not martyr our Hussein (Peace be upon him); [But] Those who were under his command did so! You have to be very careful that nothing impairs your Wilaya. Nothing will impair your Wilaya except following the creature!

You must follow the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) and not follow the creature. They followed the creature that insulted Wilaya! Insulting Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is insulting the whole of creation. When Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) had fallen behind the door, they rushed inside the house and took Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) to the mosque with a rope! The rope that they tied around the necks of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), [in fact] they tied around the necks of all creation. The Muslims became infidels, But a Jew became a Muslim! When he saw that they are pulling Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), he suddenly said: “La ilaha illa Allah, Muẖammadun Rasool Allah, Ali Wali Allah” they said: Weren't you in the Battle of Khaybar? He said: There I saw that Ali (Peace be upon him) destroyed seven forts; But now, with the power he has, they have put a rope around his neck and they are pulling him and he is not saying a word. So, Ali (Peace be upon him) is the truth! But the Muslims, the worshipers, the pilgrims, the reciters of the Quran, the night worshipers, became infidels!

There is no sin worse than following the creature and assuming Imams (Peace be upon them) as the creature! These are not the creature. The Five[۴۱] are so important that God created the Throne, the earth, the sky, and all creation due to them! [۴۲] Can we know these?! All creation is a gift to dear Zahra (Peace be upon her). Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) took a breath of sadness, all the beyond of this world announced their readiness that o Zahra, we are at your commandment. All creatures obey Zahra's commandment.

When Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) came to the mosque to support Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and told him to desist Ali, She had not cursed yet, the pillars moved. They only saw the mosque, but this world wanted to be turned upside down with the curse of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). Why? [Because] It was insulted to Wilaya. Amir al-Mu'minin knows Zahra (Peace be upon her) and knows that all this creation is in the grip of Zahra's power and if she curses, everything will be destroyed. In fact, creation has no value in front of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the nāmūs[۳۰] of the universe. Now, Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) said: O Salman! Tell Zahra (Peace be upon her) that you are the daughter of mercy for the worlds [the Prophet (Peace be upon him)], if you curse, the birds will died in the air. This curse affects there as well and all are destroyed! But do not curse due to the birds. He did not say [do not curse] due to these people! God also says: “May God damns Jibt and Taghut[۴۳] and their followers” It means God's curse on those two persons and their followers. All of them were watching and no one supported Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her).

You look at the Americans and the British too! Be ashamed and have modesty. I swear by all the verses of the Quran! Watching TV and amusement and fun is turning away from Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her). O hey'aty[۴۴]! Be ghayraty[۴۵]!

The two persons wanted to show their innocence after all this cruelty and crime and they said that we want to visit the daughter of the Prophet! But Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) did not allow them. They repeated again and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) said: Dear Fatima! They annoy me. Now Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) allowed; But when they came, he turned his face away from them and said: Did not my father say that whoever hurts Zahra, has hurt me and whoever hurts me, has hurt God, Zahra's satisfaction is my satisfaction and my satisfaction is God's satisfaction? O God, bear witness that I am dissatisfied with these two persons! [۴۶] When they came out, the first one cried! The second told him: You are the Islamic Caliph! Why did a woman upset you? They considered Fatima al-Zahra a woman who did these works, but they are the light of God and not creature.

When they hit and killed dear Zahra (Peace be upon her), God wanted to destroy the whole world! The world in which Zahra is killed is not worth it. Why don’t you think? Why don’t you have cogitation? Is Hazrat Zahra less than Saleh camel? When they cut off the camel's leg, they all became destroyed. God knows what happens to my heart? Why do you not have insight about Zahra (Peace be upon her)? Some killed and some looked and then went to congregational prayers and followed the person who killed Zahra (Peace be upon her)! That is, all the people participated in it. Now, God said: O Ali! Because they killed my beloved, I wanted to destroy the whole world, but because of these few people who prayed to Zahra (Peace be upon her) and made your heart a little happy, I did not destroy the earth and the sky, and I give sustenance to the whole world. That is, the life of the universe was renewed! This is the greatness of Fatima (Peace be upon her) and the followers of Fatima (Peace be upon her).

The world remained due to Zahra (Peace be upon her) and her followers. God loves those who have perfect Wilaya and says that if you make the whole world a morsel and put it in the mouth of a believer, you have not wasted it. But who understands these words? When Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) was martyred, Gabriel said between the earth and the sky: The foundations of God were broken, but Fatimah al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the extract of all creation.

“Huwa al-awwal wa al-ākhir”[۴۷] is Ali (Peace be upon him), but there is also Hazrat Zahra. Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) has all the attributes that Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) has. They know everything, but sometimes they whisper together. One day, Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) had a whisper with Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). She said: Dear Ali! Do you want to say when it was not universe at all? That is, it did not exist at all in all places and when did it exist?! When did God create the earth, the heavens, and the heavenly spheres? What creatures and people does each heavenly sphere have? And what was God's purpose in creating them? I consider all creation; Dear Ali! I give you the good news, they all say, Ali! Shame on the people of this world who say “no Ali”! Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) wants to say that these have been given to us by God; You are me and I am you! I know what you know and you know what I know! Zahra's chest is the treasure of all creation! Zahra existed before creation; That is, when there was God, there were also Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him); Because they are the light of God.

For Zahra, (Peace be upon her) it is not a peer other than Ali (Peace be upon him), nor is Ali (Peace be upon him) a peer other than Zahra (Peace be upon her). Now they say you are exaggerating! You do not understand at all what exaggeration is? Be quiet!

“If you do not have insight, be silent and do not speak. Pistachio without kernels, if it opens its lips, will be disgraced.”

Do you know the greatness of Fatima (Peace be upon her) that you say: you have exaggerated? You who do not have identification, why do you dare? All that we say is due to the affection of Wilaya, otherwise, Zahra (Peace be upon her) is higher than these. By Allah, you hate Zahra (Peace be upon her) that you say do not exaggerate, otherwise, you should say that Zahra (Peace be upon her) is more important than these words, because Zahra (Peace be upon her) is nāmūs[۳۰] of God.

Can we reveal the nāmūs[۳۰] of God? We did not know God and His nāmūs[۳۰]! Does God have two nāmūs[۳۰] in all creation? God has a commandment which is Ali (Peace be upon him) and He has a nāmūs[۳۰] which is Zahra (Peace be upon her). They are together. Now, did you know dear Zahra (Peace be upon her)? The one who beat her, beat the nāmūs of God, beat the nāmūs of the universe! He beat the extract of the whole of creation!

If we say do everything with thinking, it is true, but this is [not real but this is] an imitation. The reality of thinking is to see Zahra beaten, to see Zahra being crushed and her arm broken, and not to say her killer the Caliph of Islam! Why does the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) cry? [Because] He sees Zahra's broken arm, he sees her bruised face, [however,] are you dancing? Aren't you ashamed? Do you not have modesty? Why don't you see? Is Zahra (Peace be upon her) buried in this world? Zahra (Peace be upon her) has been quoted in the world. If you want to be connected to Wilaya, you must be connected to the calamity of Fatima (Peace be upon her).

I swear to Hazrat Abbas! I'm seeing. Every night I greet Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and say: God damn the one who struck the sheath of a sword in your arm, God damn the one who chewed and spat your Fadak paper! If they are always on your mind, you will become in harmony with them; This is religion! If you become so, you have the religion! Because Imam (Peace be upon him) says: The religion is Tawalla and Tabarri[۴۸]. If you have the affection for the pure Imams (Peace be upon them) and the hatred of their enemies, not that you are saved, you are the savior.

I swear by all the verses of the Quran! All parts of my body testify that the affection for the enemies of Wilaya causes misguidance and away from Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her)! Their affection is hell, and their hatred is your save, and if you do not have that hatred, you have no religion! The reason he says the End Time is the "worst times" is that no-religion has become religion and religion has become no-religion! That means, in the End Time, most people have the affection for the enemies of Wilaya instead of hating them.

The hatred of the enemies of the Imams (Peace be upon them) is the affection for Wilaya! Owais[۴۹] had Tabarri[۴۸] of the enemies of Wilaya who became the brother of the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him). When he found out that the second person had greeted him, he said, “I do not want to see the city where this usurper greeted me.” Now, with this Tabarri[۴۸], he becomes the brother of the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him). Because what was committed against Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) was committed by those two persons.

O you who read this book! You must be Owais[۴۹] too; That is, hate the enemies of Wilaya, not the affection for them! But now, there are people in this world who have affection for them. You must hate the enemies of the Imams (Peace be upon them) and like their friends. Imam likes that friend so much that he says if you do not like him, you are lying that you like us! A real friend has so much greatness; But he must have Tawalli and Tabarri [۴۸], be a friend of them, not an obedient to the creature! Because Abbas (Uncle of the Prophet) took the commandment of the creature that Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) did not let him see her and said: “Go! You are separate from us” Also, if we obey the commandment of the creature, dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) will not let us [see her], but if Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) let us, all the pure Imams (Peace be upon them) will let us.

There are two things I always emphasize: After the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him), all the people who have been afflicted with sin, hell, fire, disobedience, and the wrath of God and the Prophet, [because] they considered the pure Imams to be the creature and followed the creature. They considered the dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) to be the creature who committed all these crimes and now billions of people are following them, but billions of people are wrong! No one supported Zahra (Peace be upon her). who [do not support]? The Muslims! Hajj pilgrims! Prayers!

In the End Time, the same thing happens that he says that they will die without religion. You that have Mecca and Umrah and pilgrimage! You that pray! So, why does he say that? Because you are an instance of the same people and you do not support Mottaqi. God has introduced Mottaqi in all this creation and all this world and has said: O people of this world! Know that Mottaqi is on my behalf. I accept his deeds and words. But in the End Time, just as they reject the dear Zahra (Peace be upon her), they reject Mottaqi.

Most people consider high literacy and worship to be pious and go for it, while the literates should also be Mottaqi, this is a general message to all the literate! Mottaqi has conditions in which we are negligent: Mottaqi must accept Imam al-Muttaqin[۵۰]. Because the Sunnis do not accept Imam al-Muttaqin, He says them with all their literacy and worship: They are apostates and infidels! Mottaqi accepts "Alyauma akmaltu lakum deenakum"[۱۴]. Mottaqi should not belong to this world and should not have the slightest bit of affection for this world. He should not speak for himself. He must be complete in Tawalli and Tabarri[۴۸]; That is, to have the hatred of the enemies and the affection for the friends of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). Mottaqi must want for the people what he wants for himself. Must be a guide to the people; That is, to guide them to the commandment, not to himself or the creature! So, we are not Mottaqi. We have made ourselves look like Mottaqi! When we become Mottaqi, God shows us His greatness, we are not yet Mottaqi.

My belief is that if human beings prefer paradise to be gathered with Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), he is an animal. When you have such a belief, God tests you. He shows you heaven and paradise and says that she is also Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)! Which do you want? bravery wants to say:

“I rejected the world of possibilities, I appealed to Zahra (Peace be upon her)

Do I want heaven to eat its pears or see its Houri? I swear by all the verses of the Quran! I will not exchange billions of Houris for Fatima's shoes! One of the words I say to the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) is: Dear Sir! It is your honor that you have the shoes of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and the shirt of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him).

I swear by all the verses of the Quran! If I am given the shoes of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), I will not exchange these for heaven and paradise. I say I want to smell this because the value of Zahra's smell is higher than all this creation! Why not jump from the atmosphere of this world? Why are you still dependent? Mottaqi must have one purpose in this world; God and Wilaya! Both are the same. You should have no other purpose in this world. You have to be able to reach them and become in harmony with them. Then you become in harmony with all creation. My dears, let you have one goal in all creation, our goal should be Ali (Peace be upon him).

Why did they give up on Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and break the heart of dear Zahra (Peace be upon her)? Why did they break God's heart? God who has no heart; That is, they broke God's destination. But in the End Time, [some people] will make them innocent! My dears, where are you going? God knows that my bones are melting with sorrow, I say: O God if you leave me somewhere and pour all the waters of the seven heavens on me, I will still burn. My body may get cool, But my spirit does not get cool. O God! I wish you had not brought me into this world and I was somewhere else that I did not know about these calamities. O God, the sorrows of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) kills me.

Can I forget?! But most people forget these. This forgetfulness separates you from them. Zainab[۵۱] was not separated, Umm Kulthum[۵۲] was not separated, the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) also says: If my tears become finished, I cry blood. Then you are looking to watch TV and satellite! It is a narration that says: If you guffawed, say, “Allāhumma lā tamqutny”[۵۳] that your heart does not die. A dead heart is someone who is separated from the sorrow of dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him)! When you seek modernity and creature, you are separated from Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and the Imams (Peace be upon them).

O Muslim! Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) is shouting and is saying “Hal min nāsir”[۳۳], why are you upset her? Also, Mottaqi invites you, guides you, and shows you the straight path. I swear by my religion! Just as Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is a straight path, so Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her) is also a straight path, because Imam (Peace be upon him) says: If you have a bit of affection for my mother Fatima, you are safe from the fire of hell. But he says In the End Time if a person dies with religion, the angels of heaven will wonder. It becomes clear that we do not have the slightest bit of affection for Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her); because we do not have a Tabarri[۴۸] from Zahra's enemies, we follow the creature and we become modernist.

Someone praised Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) very much. I told her that you are saying this, [but] why is your wife not like Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)? Why is she like foreigners? What is this hijab and dress that exists in society? We must be in the commandment city, but we are in the corrupt city! Therefore, saying the words of Hazrat Fatima is not a condition; [but] The fact is that we obey the commandment of her. saying the words of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is not a condition, otherwise, the second person has praised Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). He has said seventy times that if it were not for Ali (Peace be upon him), I would have been destroyed. But did he believe or did he throw a rope around his neck? Therefore, the commandment of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) must be obeyed.

The commandment of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is to want the blessed existence of Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her). If you have affection for Hazrat Fatima (Peace be upon her), you should not become a modernist! Modernity means following foreigners! You do not know that you have followed them. Didn't Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) have a chador[۲۹]? But now they say: Wear the manteau! Who do you follow? Manteau is for Britain and America, not for the people of Islam! When the British deported Ahmad Shah[۵۴] from Iran, some scholars gathered and sent a message that we would take you back to Iran. Ahmad Shah[۵۴] said, who is Reza Khan[۵۵] to deport me? The British commanded me to spread the no-hijab[۵۶] in Iran and I said that I would not disgrace the Qajar[۵۷]. Pahlavi[۵۵] accepted their terms. When he became king, he was removing the chador[۲۹] from the woman's head, and he did so under British command.

The chador[۲۹] is the clothes of Wilaya! Because until Hazrat Zahra did not move, no one would know which way her face was, that is, her chador[۲۹] was like a tent. Now, is the time to say that if you show your face, there is no problem! God, the Prophet (Peace be upon him), and the Imam (Peace be upon him) insist that you hide your face, but the one who says there is nothing wrong, everyone accepts his words.

Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) was crying when she wanted to die. They said: Dear Zahra! Didn't you say that last night I saw my father announcing that all the angels were lined up and that you would come to us tomorrow? So, why are you crying? Hazrat [Zahra] said: I am upset that my body volume is visible at the funeral. Fidda[۵۸] said: In Iran, we make coffins where the cadaver cannot be found. Zahra (Peace be upon her) was happy and smiled. So Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) does not want anyone to see her body volume. But now that you are making your nāmūs[۳۰] available to people, think about yourself! Know that these words are true and you will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection. “Innamā al-dunyā fanā, wa al-ākhiratu baqā'’[۵۹] May God have mercy on the scholars who spoke qāl al-Sadiq and qāl al-Baqir[۶۰], Haj Mirza Abolfazl Zahid was saying in his commentary lesson: You will even be questioned for to blow to a fire!

We forgot the resurrection in the End Time. We have made our Hereafter a place of destruction and this world a place of survival. Woe to us and shame on our time! I wish we understood and said that you should wear a chador[۲۹]! What can I do that? I cannot say, because now it is a crime to tell the truth about Wilaya.

When Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) saw that revealing the truth of Wilaya was a crime and had no purchase, he spoke in the well. Now, we also have to speak the truth well. I am just conveying the message to you and I want you to accept these words. The message of God is Zahra (Peace be upon her), the message of God is Ali (Peace be upon him), the message of God is Hussein (Peace be upon him), the message of God is not to sin! I swear by the thirty parts of the Quran! I see creation, all creation is empty unless it is connected to the pure Imams or Mottaqi; That is, in the sight of God, the value of all creation is for Wilaya, even the heavens, all and all! Now you are following someone else! Spit on this belief!

Can Zahra's affection be exchanged for this world and the hereafter? Zahra (Peace be upon her) is the spirit of all creation. The human should want the spirit, not the material! Happiness is that they approve of us. When the human is approved, he attains heaven and beyond this world. Total perfection is that they accept us, but because we still have the affection for this world, they do not accept us. "Hobb al-ddunyā ra'su kulli khaṯī'atin"[۶۱] With the affection for this world, you will not reach the beyond of this world! Unless you know this world is dead and it must be buried and this dead will no longer meet any needs! If there was a worse example than a pig's bone in the mouth of a leprous dog, Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) would say that about this world. You must see the humiliation of the world.

Why did this world become so humiliated? Because the loved ones of God were killed in it. He does not say the sky or the heavenly spheres are like a pig's bone, he only says this about this world. Do you want the place where Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) or Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) was killed? This world is the place where the Imams (Peace be upon them) are killed, you must not want it! Who in this world supported Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)? I swear by all the verses of the Quran! Only the heavens supported.

I swear by my religion! I cannot recite the Rawda[۶۲] of Hazrat Fatima (Peace be upon her) because they kill me. Unless the Imam of the Time comes, I tell you what has happened to Fatima al-Zahra (Peace be upon her)! I swear by my religion, I have no problem being killed. [But] I want these words better than my life. I keep myself to revealing these. As long as I am alive, this is what I am saying, even if I am half-dead, I say: Do not follow the creature! The creature acquits the culprit and makes the culprit innocent! I wish they did not only approve of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), [and] they did not deny her anymore, but they will deny her in the End Time! They approve Zahra's enemy and make Aisha[۱۱] Umm Al-Mu'minin[۶۳]!

I am at the end of my life and I say my word to be an ultimatum for you! She [Aisha][۱۱] is not the mother of the believers, it is the mother of corruption! One day the Prophet (Peace be upon him) warned his wives and said: After me, one of you will go to war with my testator! Aisha[۱۱] said may God curse her. Give a sign that we are not that woman. Imam said: She accompanies two other persons and on the way they reach a place called ḥū'ab[۶۴] and the dogs attack them. When Aisha[۱۱] and Talha[۶۵] and Zubair[۶۶] went to the battle of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), she reached a place where the dogs attacked them, Aisha[۱۱] said: What is the name of this place? They said: ḥū'ab[۶۴]. She said I will not come again. They brought an old man who said that this place had another name, and after that, they went to war. Now, this crowd was shouting, “Let you defend the shrine of the Messenger of God.” And they rubbed Aisha[۱۱]'s camel's urine on their faces!

When Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) saw that the army was accompanying her so much with the mother of corruption, he told Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) to cut off the camel's leg. Imam (Peace be upon him) cut off the camel's leg and Aisha[۱۱] fell and they arrested her and sent her to Medina with some people. Aisha[۱۱] protested in Medina. [She said:] See, Ali (Peace be upon him) sent the nāmūs[۳۰] of the Prophet with some men! Then they took off their masks and said, “We are women and we wore men's clothes so that no one would hurt you.” Aisha[۱۱] hated Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) because Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) cut off her camel's leg, and for this reason, she commanded his blessed body to be shot.

The reason that for all eighty years I am shouting not to follow anyone, is because they followed Aisha[۱۱] who shot the body of Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him). They followed Muawiya[۲۶] that who waged so many wars, they followed Judge Shurayh[۷] that killed Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). My dears, I make a will to you, this will is by commandment and not according to my will: Do not follow the creature as much as you can! Follow the commandment! withdraw. I swear by all the verses of the Quran! If you follow the creature, dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) will not accept you. If Zahra (Peace be upon her) did not accept you, the whole creation will not accept you, because his uncle, Abbas, obeyed the creature that she did not allow him to enter! Zahra (Peace be upon her) accepts her commandment.

Most people say the words of Hazrat Fatima (Peace be upon her) and mourn for her but do not obey her commandment! Their mourning does not also benefit them. The Rawda[۶۲] they take is a deception and they want to use it in another way. Where do we have an approved meeting?! Most meetings are for praising; That is, in those meetings, the creature is praised! In Zahra's meeting, Ali must be praised! In Zahra's meeting, the light of Zahra (Peace be upon her), that is, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein, must be praised! In Zahra's meeting, Zainab[۵۱] and Umm Kulthum[۵۲], and Ruqayyah[۶۷] must be praised! Who do you praise?! It is that with all those meetings and your worships you die without religion. Didn't the Prophet (Peace be upon him) tell Salman to withdraw!? Why didn't he tell you to mourn!? Because he saw that the creature was dominant, he said: withdraw! [And he said:] If all the universe went to one side, you go to Ali (Peace be upon him)!

I swear by all the verses of the Quran! These words require thinking; That is, you want to be guided, then you accept these with thinking, and now God approves of you! Otherwise, with all the meetings you hold, you are denied, not approved! Approvement is that you withdraw.

Withdrawing should be with the affection for Amir al-Mu'minin not with the affection for the creature! It must be with the hatred of the heretics and those who oppressed the beloved Zahra (Peace be upon her). Withdraw with the commandment, not with the creature. Withdrawing must be with capital. Capital is the affection for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and the children of Ali (Peace be upon them) and the hatred of their enemies. This is salvation! Owais[۴۹] withdrew with capital that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said he was my brother. He also said about the End Time: My greetings to my brothers in the End Time. That means becoming Owais[۴۹]! Then the Prophet (Peace be upon him) says: At that time, whoever maintains his religion is with me, and to the same degree as me.

If you withdraw, you are everywhere. I swear by all the verses of the Quran! You are in the sky too. I swear by the thirty parts of the Quran, you are also with Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her). Let you go of the creature and this world and amusement and the fun so that they will accept you. God gives you His existence, but if you do not have the affection for this world and only have the affection for the commandment.

We have non-existent, let you have existence. The existence of God is Ali (Peace be upon him) and Zahra (Peace be upon her), the existence of God is Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). We have to make sure of this. The sureness is other than knowing. The companions of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) made sure that they are the existence of God and sacrificed their lives for Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him), not the creature! {{روضه|Now they have reached a point where the Imam of the Times (Peace be upon him) says: My parents sacrifice to my loyal Companions of my ancestor! Mr. Abolfazl[۶۸] considers the people as non-existent and considers them as existence that he says: My religion is Hussein {{Als}،

“O army, my right hand has fallen, O army, I support my religion as long as I live”[۶۹]|ابا الفضل}}

Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) is the face of God, the face means beauty. All that beauty that has any possibilities is due to the crying that it makes for Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). The face is the look that Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) looks at [you] and you cry for him. Then He will save you from all sins and from following the creature and from the affection for this world. And he takes a look that all your deeds become for God and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him).

God bless Mr. Boroujerdi[۷۰], He had a great belief in Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). His eyes hurt a lot, on the Day of Ashura a mourning group [for Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him)] entered his house. It was raining and their feet were muddy. He came and put the mud of the foot of one of the mourners on his eyes, and his eyes were cured, and he recited the Quran without glasses for the rest of his life. Not that the soil of Imam Hussein's grave is Torbat[۷۱], but the soil of Imam Hussein's mourning feet is also Torbat[۷۱]. but that mourner only was saying Hussein, that time passed.

We do not understand at all what dirt has been poured on our heads. Instead of dirt, ashes have been poured on our heads and blinded our eyes; That is, you see the person, [but] you do not see your Imam! You approve of the person, [but] you do not approve of your Imam! Can it be blinder than this?!

Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) says: “Kullu yawmin Ashura”[۷۲], Which means every day is Ashura. We have not thought that Ashura means killing Imam! Didn't they kill Imam Sajjad (Peace be upon him) after Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him)?! Then one by one, they killed the imams. Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) tells his friends to be careful, every day is Ashura[۷۳]. They killed Imam Hussein on Ashura[۷۳], and from then until today, they killed the purpose of Imam Hussein! What should be done now that this is the case? He says: performing wajibs[۷۴], leaving harams[۷۵], Intizar al-Faraj[۷۶], do not participate in the good and evil of the people and withdraw! Do not follow the creature! They followed the people who made the meeting of Bani Sa'ida[۸]! Now, Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) says: I was killed because of the Bani Sa'ida[۸] meeting. Those who attended that meeting and did not attend my father's meeting are also from the Umayyads. Even now, if someone does not participate in the real meeting of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) and participates in the meetings where the words of Amir al-Mu'minin and the Ahl al-Bayt are not mentioned, he has participated in the meeting of Bani Sa'ida[۸]! There they approved the creature.

We must approve of Amir al-Mu'minin, Hazrat Zahra, and the Imam of the Time. At the meeting, those persons should be injected with Wilaya. If they go to another meeting, the words of non-Wilaya will be injected into them. Appreciate this, this is very important, be careful not to go anywhere! Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is the testator of the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him), Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is the destination of God, Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is "kufuwan aẖad"[۳۱], [that is] no one is like him. But the people left him and went to the two persons. Now, God said: They are apostates and infidels.

In Saqifa Bani Sa'ida[۸], they considered Amir al-Mu'minin as a creature, and this continued! Abu Musa al-Ash'ari[۷۷], with all his literacy and worship, considered Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) a creature, who said: Like a ring I take from my hand, I depose Ali and appoint myself in his place.

A person about whom God says: If you do not want him, I swear by my honor and glory! I will throw you in hell from the face; Is he a creature or is he above all creation!? The incurable disease of the people of this world is that they consider Wilaya as a creature! What kind of creature is he that everyone who dies is present above his head?! No one can depose Ali {{Als}!! Is Ali (Peace be upon him) a creature that you depose him? Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is the commandment, Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is the destination of God.

When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) introduced Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), the verse was revealed that: "Alyauma akmaltu lakum deenakum"[۱۴] That is, Ali (Peace be upon him) is religion! A religion that cannot be a creature! Can the creature become a religion? Why don’t you pay attention? May God curse those two persons who considered them creatures. In the End Time, there will be people who approve of those two persons! "The approval of the creature is wrong, the approval is in the hands of beyond this world, the approval is in the hands of the Messenger of God". The Messenger of God (Peace be upon him) has approved Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him).

If God tells the Prophet that I gave it to you, he wants to say that what the Prophet says is my message! That is, O people of all creation! If you do not accept the words of the Prophet (Peace be upon him), you have not accepted my words, but the people went to the approval of the creature and considered Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) as the creature. Judge Shurayh[۷] also considered Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) as a creature who said: “He has left the religion of his ancestor” [۸۰] And this is still going on until the Imam of the Time comes and stamps the hypocrites on their foreheads and beats their necks.

Who understands these words? Blessed is he who understands. Why don't you wake up?

“For a moment, the true dawn comes, but become conscious, for a moment, the false dawn leave, but wake up”

If the people had been awake from the beginning and had not been deceived by the creature, all these catastrophes would not have occurred. At Ashura[۷۳], the pole of the universe was insulted, Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) is the pole of the universe. Everything that is in all creation is mourning Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). Until God's promise to the angels is fulfilled; The divine Throne, heaven, hell, the skies, earth, sand, tree, the human, jinn, and angel cry for Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). When they martyred Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him), the angels of heaven cried and lost their balance. O God, what are they doing to your beloved? The call came: O my angels! Look at the divine Throne. They saw a young man standing with a sword. He said: I swear by my honor and glory! I fulfill the right through this young man. (the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him)) So, all creation waits for raj'a[۸۱] to end their crying.

If Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) says: "Kullu yawmin Ashura[۷۲] That is, it has always been Ashura[۷۳], but it was revealed on that day! Why? When Adam Abu al-Bashar did Tark awla[۸۲] and cried for forty years, he said: God, accept my repentance. God said look at the sky. Swear to me by these five pure lights! These are Muhammad and Ali and Fatima and Hassan and Hussein. Adam said I was heartbroken until Hussein's name came up. God then recited the Rawda[۶۲]. (If I say that the Rawda[۶۲] reciter, when he recites Rawda[۶۲], he is also sad and cries, it is disbelief) God said: O Adam! This is Hussein who is killed in the desert of Karbala[۸۳] and his body is cracked by thirst. . So, Imam Hussein has not been killed in Karbala[۸۳] yet, his calamity has spread to the whole of creation. We have a narration that the people of Prophet Moses also mourned for Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him). So, it has always been Ashura[۷۳].

Now Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) says your crying heals my wounds. Crying; means that they remember me and hate our enemies, and respond to my “Hal min nāsir”[۳۳], and they do not follow the creature. Otherwise, Ibn Sa'ad[۸۴] also cried out of pity on the Day of Ashura[۷۳]. Crying out of pity is humiliation! Crying should be out of affection and knowledge. Knowledge means that Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) is the buyer of all creation and he was satisfied to be killed for the friends of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) to be forgiven in all creation. So, Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) sacrificed himself against Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and salvation for you! The salvation of every human being is through true crying for Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him)

This is the End Time when Maddah[۸۵] laughs at Ashura, Zainab[۵۱] cries! The preacher laughs, Imam Sajjad (Peace be upon him) cries! I swear by my religion, I saw a Rawda[۶۲] reciter laughing and saying that I would get some money in this Muharram[۸۶]! Doesn't he say that if you do not cry, do Tabaki[۸۷]?! It means making yourself look like crying. My heart is torn that I cannot reveal more.

I tell God that if I was in accordance with all the population of the world and my forgiveness was due to the killing of Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him), I would be willing to burn but Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) be alive [should not be martyred]! He has sacrificed himself for the commandment of God, [Also] we must be ready to sacrifice our lives for them; It means the sacrifice of the blessed existence of the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him)! The sacrifice of Wilaya is the sacrifice of God. Why? The pure Imams (Peace be upon them) are the commandment of God, the representative of God, the decisive argument of God, and the purpose of God.

Human beings should have two wings, one wing of that Wilaya and the other wing of the Quran, but the talking Quran! If these two wings exist, he will jump to all creation, but the Sunnis say we only accept the Quran. I swear by my religion! They do not accept the Quran either; Because the Quran says Ali (Peace be upon him)! They only respect the appearance of the Quran, not accept the Quran! Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) says: "I am the talking Quran". It is imaginary for someone to say that we only accept the Quran, he is also from Hell! God demands His commandment from us. The commandment of God is Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him). If you read the Quran and do not accept Ali (Peace be upon him), You have sung.

If you want to have the flag of guidance in your hands, everything you do must be by the commandment of God, not by the commandment of the creature! Of course, not every creature! Otherwise, Salman[۸۸] and Shah Abdul AAzim Hassani[۸۹] are also creatures. If we say do not obey the commandment of the creature, we mean a creature who says their own commandment, Yazid[۷۹] said his own commandment, Shurayh[۷], and Abu Musa al-Ash'ari[۷۷] said their own commandment, which misled the people. The commandment has been issued by God in all creation, and we must live by that export of God.

As God and Wilaya are unique, the commandment must be also unique in your opinion and you do not see another, then you are connected. Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) said to Kumayl[۹۰]: "Put your hand and body parts in obedience to God"; That is, be in the commandment of God. The commandment of God is Ali (Peace be upon him)! I swear by all the verses of the Quran! If you are in the commandment of God, He will make you commander and all things will be in your commandment. Wasn't Asif[۹۱] like that? He is apparently a worker and in fact the commander of this world! He commands the throne of Belqis[۹۲] to come and it will come! When this happens, you go wherever you want. You can also go to heaven, Barzakh[۹۳], heaven, and resurrection; But you must not be earthly. The earthly people have affection for this world.

When Jesus was taken up to heaven, they checked him in the fourth heaven, saying, “He has a needle and a thread, and he has the affection for this world just as much.” That's why it did not go higher. You have not yet tasted it, as soon as you imagine where you want to be. These things do not have time. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) went to Mi'raj[۱۸] and back while Umm Salama[۹۴] was pouring water into a bowl. And in that time, he filled all the heavens, the Throne, heaven, and hell. So, time is at the disposal of Wilaya. Mottaqi also becomes so that he has no time. Asif[۹۱] was like that. But the condition is that you do not consider the creature effective and have no affection other than the affection for God and the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him). Then you will be cleansed and they will accept you; That is, they give you what they do.

Amir al-Mu'minin created thousands of Ali in the battle of Siffin[۹۵]. He gave what he had to Salman[۸۸] because he had become Mahram[۹۶] to Wilaya. Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) gives life and brings death and is present in all places; That is, Amir Al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is in control of all creation, and all of it is small compared to Ali. Because all creation has One Ali! Nowو we need to know that God gave him these, but he has not given these to anyone else. If you know God and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) in this way, you are a monotheist and you do not follow anyone else.

God has given his existence to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). He has given his existence to Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him). We have gone to non-existent that we have lost existence. I cannot reveal the truth! May the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him) comes and takes away inner sorrow, so that I can say my word, now it is not possible to uncover the truth from those who have pretended to be Mottaqi. Otherwise, one who is Mottaqi must be a supporter of Wilaya and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) Who was a supporter of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)? Seventy thousand people went to the two persons. [People] Will renew them in the End time! They turned their backs on Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali, who says that they became apostates and infidels. We have also turned our backs on the Imam of the Time who says that if a person dies with religion, the angels of heaven will be wonder.

One night I dreamed that there is a tablet between the earth and the sky and two people are next to this tablet, “Ya Hujjat ibn al-Hasan”[۹۷] was written on the tablet. I was told that you gave a speech in Mecca and we wrote it on this tablet, there you revealed: “Whoever sins and sins again and does not repent, he is an insistent person and God will not forgive him.” The Sunnis, because they do not have Wilaya, have been reproached with all their worship. Why? They are insistent and do not have the patience to repent. Their repentance is that they must accept Wilaya.

In the End Time, within most people is sin and the acceptance of sin, but they seek opportunity [to sin], that is, they are secretly insistent. For example, in the past, because all the former scholars considered music and singing to be haram[۷۵], no one was following it! These are sins that cause disgrace in this world and hell in the Hereafter. These are very strange sins. One of them is [unlawful] sexual intercourse. During Omar's caliphate, someone killed his master and claimed that he had done this [sodomy] to him and that Omar wanted to sentence him to death. Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) said: Bury the killed man and three days later open his grave. When they opened the grave, they saw that there were only some ashes. Imam said: He was joined to the people of Lot[۹۸]! [۹۹]

If a man has sex with a young man, he cannot marry his sister! This ruling is not a fatwa[۷۸], but a divine ruling. A person came to Mr. Boroujerdi's house and cried and asked I have this problem and have several children. If I divorce my wife, my reputation will be ruined. What should I do now? He said: Your wife is haram[۷۵] to you. In the End Time, some people will be afflicted with these things, which he says will die without religion. This book is a book of alertness and these words are not immodesty; It is the same as modesty. I advise the preacher to tell people this, But they say that some people protest to us saying that you should not say these words! I said you have to tell people not to get infected. Because when the second wanted to die, he said to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him): I see the fire of hell calling to me. Do I have a way [to be saved]? Imam said: Go to the pulpit and say that we have usurped the caliphate, The caliphate for the guardian of the Messenger of God, Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him). Although the second has committed so many sins, he has killed dear Zahra (Peace be upon her), he has organized the meeting of Bani Sa'ida[۸], and he has misled so many people. Why did Imam (Peace be upon him) say this?! Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) wants to stop corruption so that the people will not become Sunnis after that, and those who have gone astray will repent. Dear preachers! You also say these words so that this will not happen again and those who are infected will repent.

There are sins that have become normal in the End Time. Sunnis have literacy and worship because they do not have Wilaya, they are people of fire, but they are not dayyūth[۱۰۰], because they do not take their wives to work in the shops! Now, some Iranians have literacy and worship, but they are dayyūth[۱۰۰], because they send their daughters and wives to work in a place where there is a non-mahram[۱۰۱]. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Whoever is willing to look at his nāmūs[۳۰] is a dayyūth and not from my nation. Now, this person also goes to Mecca, Karbala, and pilgrimage, but he is not at all from the nation of the Prophet that his worship is accepted!

Those who also look at those women are like the same people. Because a woman came to ask the Prophet (Peace be upon him) a question and Abbas's son looked at her, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) became angry and said: O son of Abbas! Why did you look? On the day of the Resurrection, God will fill your eyes with fire. The one that employs women and girls is similar to the two. That's why we die without religion! "Everywhere full of literacy and worship, there is no news of the commandment of Wilaya".

One of the bank chiefs quoted that someone had brought his wife to work. I told him that there are dozens of men working in this place! He said: I want her to help me with my expenses! By Allah, this person does not accept that God swears and says: “waAllāhu khayru al-rāziqeen”[۱۰۲] This man is both a dayyūth[۱۰۰] and a polytheist! I'm at the end of my life and I say my word. All these words are narration and hadith, pay attention; Otherwise, when you die, you will run into these problems! “Innamā al-dunyā fanā, wa al-ākhiratu baqā’”[۵۹].

Now, if you do not want to run into problems, be content and satisfied. Was it not in the past that women did sewing and knitting? They kept themselves busy at home and did not go to the shops to work. People say that these words were for that time and now the time has changed! Will God's rule change? You become changed. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “Halāli ḥalāl ilā yawm al-qiāma, ḥarāmi ḥarām ilā yam al-qiāma”[۱۰۳] May God curse the one who change my halal[۱۰۴] to haram[۷۵] and my haram to halal. Do you not accept the words of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)? He who does not accept the words of the Messenger of God is an apostate! Now, you have taken your wife there and you say I want her to help me with my expenses!? Sustenance is determined and provided by God. Now, this person also had clergy clothes! What is he clergyman? Such a person only wears clergy clothes, otherwise, he will not make this bad behavior. The clergyman must be a spirit. The spirit does not want non-commandment food and is satisfied. Whoever is like he is a spirit.

The time invites us, the Imam of Time (Peace be upon him) and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) also invite us. The fact that we separate from the Imams (Peace be upon him) and make ourselves miserable in this world and the hereafter is because we accept the invitation of time! We should have Intizar al-Faraj[۷۶], but we have Intizar al-Khalq[۱۰۵] and we are waiting for the word of the creature and we no longer think whether his words are in accordance with the commandment of God and the Prophet (Peace be upon him) or not?! Thinking is taken from us.

Thinking means intellect and intellect means Wilaya! The Sunnis have turned their backs on Wilaya and we have turned our backs on the commandment of Wilaya! Of course, following Wilaya is difficult, not everyone can follow it; Because Wilaya does not agree with the false thinking of the person. We often think of our own happiness, But Wilaya has forbidden this happiness! How happy are you now that you are going to Umrah[۱۰۶]?! From here, as you move, you sit on the plane and talk and laugh and have fun! There you also perform Tawaf[۱۰] and run to the markets. Why do not you fulfill the need of a believer instead of Umrah[۱۰۶] that says that his divine reward is higher than seventy Hajj and seventy Umrah[۱۰۶]? Because you want to achieve your own happiness.

This is the commandment that saves mankind. Most people are happy to go on pilgrimage, But this happiness is imaginary. We must be happy with the commandment of God and the Prophet (Peace be upon him). I thought that now that Imam Javad (Peace be upon him) has said: The divine reward of pilgrimage of my father is higher than seventy Hajj and Umrah[۱۰۶], so how is it that with all this pilgrimage, we die without religion?! I decided to ask the Imam himself, I do not consider the Imam dead, I know him alive. Because when Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) martyred, the Imam said, Lift the back of the coffin at one time, Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) saw that someone had lifted the front of the coffin. He saw that this person is Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him).[۱۰۷]; That is, the Imam said, I am in the whole space of this universe, so the Imam is alive. With this belief, I ask my questions to the Imam himself. In the dream world, I saw that I was in Mashhad and the Imam was walking outside. I went to him and greeted him. I said: Dear Sir! The light of your eyes, the strength of your knees, the decisive argument of God, the Wali[۱۰۸] of God, Imam Javad (Peace be upon him), has said that my father's pilgrimage has seventy [the divine reward of] Hajj and seventy Umrah[۱۰۶], so how is it with all these rewards, people die without religion? I swear to himself! who is higher than all creation and all creation is by his commandment, said: Pilgrimage is the work of these people and he rejected their pilgrimage. Because they come without commandment; They go everywhere, to the north [of Iran] and the cinema and watching, they also come for a pilgrimage. One day I saw Hazrat Masumeh (Peace be upon her), she complained and said: “They pilgrimage our grave, But they do not obey us!” Hazrat had a heart-to-heart talk with me.

When Imam Reza arrived in Neishabour, several thousand gold's pens were prepared and they asked him to tell us what he had heard from his ancestor's two lips! Imam said the sentence "La ilaha illa Allah"[۱۰۹] is my fort, so whoever enters my fort is safe from my punishment. There are conditions for that and I am one of those conditions. Imam Reza said: We are the condition of "La ilaha illa Allah"[۱۰۹]! That in the End Time all our worships and pilgrimages are rejected because we have made other than the Imam as conditions; That is, we turned our backs on the Imam and turned our faces towards the creature! After the Messenger of God, the second established the meeting of Bani Sa'ida[۸] and took the right of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and established a popular Islam and caused all these catastrophes. We also have become like this. We just say Islam and do whatever we want.

One day, Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon him) was Passing by the house of Boshr[۱۱۰] and saw the sound of music and singing coming. His bondwoman came out. Imam said: Is the owner of this house free or a slave? She said: He is free and has the bondwoman and the bondman. The Imam said: He is free to do these works! When the news reached Boshr[۱۱۰], he ran barefoot after the Imam and repented and said: Dear Sir! Forgive me, I was free to do these works and after that, he was always barefoot. Now, the animals did not throw dung in his honor in the way that Boshr[۱۱۰] walked. You are free to watch TV, satellite, and video, woe to you and woe to your days!

I warn you not to be like the Sunnis. They did not obey the commandment of the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him); Because the Messenger of God commanded you to accept Ali (Peace be upon him) We do not obey the word of the Messenger of God that we die without religion; Because the Prophet said to Salman[۸۸]: If you were alive until the End Time, performing wajibs[۷۴], leaving harams[۷۵], Intizar al-Faraj[۷۶], do not participate in the good and evil of the people and withdraw! They made a similar for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), we made a similar for the commandment of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him).

All human misery is that he approves of the creature and denies the commandment, why do not you think? Once, you see that your life is over, you have forgotten God's purpose and followed the creature. The destination of God is Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him)! We must follow the commandment, the commandment of God is Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) and the blessed existence of the Imam of the Time. For this reason, the Imam (Peace be upon him) says: One hour of thinking is better than seventy years of worship! Wasn't it Usama[۱۱۱] who lost his whole life and went to those two people? God forbid we forget the commandment of God and destroy a lifetime of hard work, worship, and obedience and obey the commandment of the creature. God's commandment is that we have affection for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and have Tabarri[۱۱۲] of his enemies. Now, if someone says do not have Tabarri[۱۱۲], we must obey the commandment of God and the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and not follow the word of the creature. We have forgotten God and the Imams (Peace be upon them) and we choose a path without thinking and we go and we do not even know where this path leads! We have forgotten the commandment; we obey the creature.

These words are the alert and are not easily obtained. In which book are these words revealed? Mottaqi should beg God and the Imams so much that they induce him to reveal. All these words are induced by God and the blessed existence of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Peace be upon him). If you want salvation, appreciate these words, and if you want to be miserable, you are miserable now! Why are people so miserable? [Because] they became infidels in Wilaya!

In all creation, no Appreciation is more important than Wilaya. Because it frees humans from all evil and makes them worthy of heaven and paradise, and even brings humans to God. The appreciation of Wilaya is to become in harmony with Wilaya and not to forget Wilaya. The appreciation of Wilaya is to be just and love the oppressed, not to love the oppressor and nurture the oppressor! Appreciation of Wilaya is that you obey his commandment, do not sin, do not cheat, and cover the faults [of others]. Appreciation of Wilaya is to be generous. Appreciation of Wilaya is to be ashamed in front of Wilaya and consider yourself ignorant. Appreciation of Wilaya is to understand that Wilaya is the commandment of God, the will of God, and the purpose of God, he has no similar and he is "Kufuwan aẖad"[۳۱]; That is, there is no one like him to you follow.

If you appreciate Wilaya, you have thanked God for everything. If he says that the Sunnis are infidels and apostates because they became infidels in Wilaya and followed those of two persons. I cannot reveal much, I swear by my religion, we do not appreciate Wilaya that says you will die without religion! That is, we must obey the commandment of Wilaya in order to be in harmony with him. We are still in harmony with our will.

To become in harmony with Wilaya, we must have the attributes of imams. Their attributes are the attributes of God, their attributes are generosity. We must always think of the poor and Ali's friends (Peace be upon him). Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) was like that, dealing with the poorest people. The poorest people are the strongest people. Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) is the power of God, the commandment of God, the destination of God, the decisive argument of God, his every soul is "superior to any jinn's or human's (Thaqalayn[۱۱۳]) worship"; But he was going to the ruins and was taking care of the poor. Or he helped women and carried their waterskin, made groves, and gave to the poor; Because he saw that God liked it.

We have a narration that there were people who had up to several thousand red-haired camels, But Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) would go to Maytham's shop and visit the date seller who did not sell his Wilaya. This is the value of Maytham[۱۱۴]! Blessed is he who Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) goes to him, Hazrat Zahra goes to him. One time we want Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her), but one time we become so valuable that Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) summons us! She said: Dear Ali! I have not seen Salman, Aba Dhar, and Miqdad for four days, tell them to come and let me see them. If you do not go to sin and disobedience, the Imam of the Time will come to you. They come to see their commandment. In all creation, Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) wants only the friend of Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). Do something to make them friends.

Maytham[۱۱۴] does not want honor from the creature, which Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him), the greatness of all creation, honors him. We want respect from the creature! We should be ashamed in front of the Imams and proud in front of all the people. I swear by the thirty parts of the word of God, all my life, not only I was humble towards God; I was also humble towards the poor. I was arrogant towards the rich and humbled the poor. We have a narration that if you greet a rich person for his wealth, you will lose one-third of your faith, with the second and third greetings, you will no longer have faith. Honor is given by God. If you ask for honor from the creature, you will be humiliated!

A person came to Imam Hassan's house and said: Dear Sir! I'm poor. Imam Hassan (Peace be upon him) said: Do not say that I am poor. He said: I have nothing! He said, “Are you selling our Wilaya?” He said: By Allah, if they fill this world with gold and silver [and give it to me], I will not sell your Wilaya! I give my life but I do not give my Wilaya. The Imam said, “You have little money, otherwise you are rich.” Such a person is always on top of Wilaya and does not lose it, because he does not sell his Wilaya to the whole world. He is not a beggar. A beggar is one who thinks about this world and constantly wants to collect!

In this world, there is one sustenance and one provision! And the two are different. The provision is what we eat and the sustenance is to be gathered with the Imams (Peace be upon them). These words are sustenance, these are the will of the Imams (Peace be upon them). The provision nurtures your body, But sustenance nurtures your religion and your spirit.

These words are not words, they are Kalām[۱۱۵]. These are the salvation of mankind. These are the whole perfection. These words are humanizing. These are not words; it is a revealed commandment that is revealed in the tongue of Mottaqi who was Ali in his foundation and Ali was blown in his seed. Mottaqi will drive you out of ignorance, Ignorance is not knowing Wilaya, so you should appreciate these words.

When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) wanted to die, he addressed the people, “What kind of prophet was I to you?” People said: You were the one who gave us civilization. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I do not want any reward from you, just respect my relatives [Ahl al-Bayt]! Now, I'm just asking you to differentiate these words from the words of some others! As the Prophet said: Ali (Peace be upon him) is the truth, these words are from beyond this world and right and lead you to the whole perfection, do not follow other words and thoughts!

I swear by all the verses of the Quran! I have power and I do not have power! I have no choice; Because I do not know anyone who can spend his power on my purpose! I see departures and I do not see endurance. Do not go out of Mahdūdih[۱۱۶]! God has set an instance for everything. Salman[۸۸] has become part of Ahl al-Bayt[۱۱۷] and Usama[۱۱۱] has become part of the fire. Both of them were with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and the Imams (Peace be upon them). Did not Usama[۱۱۱] defend Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her)!? You who have come now and are defending Wilaya, lest you become like Usama[۱۱۱] and do not make it to the end! I say to God: I swear to you by the right of the Five[۴۱] that if I am to become like Usama[۱۱۱], take my life before that, so that on the day of Resurrection, I will be honored of my dear Zahra (Peace be upon her).

If you want God to give you understanding, you must put aside all the misunderstandings in the world. The desire and lust, fantasy and flowers of this world's sludge have surrounded and attacked humans. We must disobey the siege of this world and say, Ali! But it is very difficult. Why is this time called "worst times"? Because all corruption has attacked human beings. You must be a believer and neutralize all this with the thought and wisdom and help of the Imams (Peace be upon them). The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: My nation becomes seventy-three sects, only one of them has been saved. God bless Haj Sheikh Abbas Tehrani, He was saying: Again, each of them becomes sects.

Among all of them, you should hold the flag of Ali (Peace be upon him) and dear Zahra (Peace be upon her) and be proud of all creation and say: God has kept us that we did not become followers of this world. So, God protects you, do not be afraid, and neutralize the events of this world. You must extinguish the fire of your anger, fantasy, and false thoughts and have a flag of “La ilaha illa Allah, Muẖammadun Rasool Allah, Ali Wali Allah”[۸] on your chest and do not accept any [other] flag; Because it is the flag of Oneness of Allah and Wilaya.

Today, most people are neutralizing Wilaya, not accepting Wilaya. The world is passing, The Hereafter is eternal and the world is mortal, we are in the mortal, but we must be in the eternal. It is Wilaya that preserves human beings and protects them from all events in this world, but do not sell your Wilaya!

“[O Imam of the Time] I feel comfortable being in your lap, I do not see any lap except your lap.

Every lap except your lap is empty, your lap is connected to the beyond of this world.”

Where do we know Wilaya better?

Where we have no deficit? When he says “Salmāno Minnā Ahl al-Bayt”[۱۱۸]. Until we become part of the Ahl al-Bayt, we will have a deficit.

Where is mankind actually moving forward? When he has the affection for Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him). What opens the problem in all creation is by Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him).

Where is sin paralyzed by us? Where we have no means of sin.

Where you have no means of sin? When our Wilaya is complete, we will no longer have the means of sin and we will always think of saving humanity.

Where do we become the representative of God or Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him)? Where we know the real poor as our own children and think about them day and night.

Where are we breaking the sky? When we have Ali's card; That is, to cover our eyes [from sin], to be generous and not have affection for this world.

Where do we rise above the people of Paradise? When our Wilaya is injected and we work for the knowledge of God, not for heaven!

Where do we fall? When we say we know! Knowledge is Wilaya himself.

Where are we not following anyone? When we know that everyone is in need himself. We have to follow someone who is not in need. All creation needs Ali (Peace be upon him).

Where do we become refreshing for Imam of the Time? When we become purified. Refreshing for Imam of the Time means when Imam of the Time is satisfied with us.

Where do we see all creation with the atmosphere of Wilaya? When we see the whole creation at the disposal of Wilaya. Hisham[۱۱۹] saw all creation in the presence of the Imam, who saw all creation.

Where is our worldly belief true? When we have faith in the Hereafter.

Where are we connected to darkness? When our work is not on the commandment.

Where is our mind not working properly? When we have an imaginary Wilaya.

Where I do not know Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him)? When we consider someone as his instance.

Where do we become Mahram[۹۶] for beliefs? When we say “La ilaha illa Allah, Muẖammadun Rasool Allah, Ali Wali Allah”[۸].

Where do we become Mahram[۹۶] for the sky? When we do not have affection for this world.

Where are we compliment Mahram[۹۶]? When we say to ourselves that we are Mahram[۹۶].

Where are we confirmed Mahram[۹۶]? When we become Mahram[۹۶] to the whole creation.

Where do we become Mahram[۹۶] to the whole creation? When we become in harmony with the whole of creation.

Where do we become in harmony with all creation? When we consider Wilaya as absolute and do not follow the creature at all!

Where we do not pay attention to this world? When we review these words.

Where Do we become infidels for the decisive argument of God? When we consider the Imam as a creature.

Where do we become servants of God? When we spend our power on [real] power.

Where do we fail in our conscience? When we become Moqaddas[۱۲۰].

Where is our sleep awake? When we think of good deeds in our sleep.

Where is our awakening sleep? When we do not know Wilaya.

Where does the universe dry up? When the Mahr[۳۵] of Hazrat Zahra does not exist.

Where this world is swallowing? When the decisive argument of God is not in it.

Where to understand that we accept Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him)? When we obey his commandment, do not sin, do not lie, do not cheat, keep our eyes [from sin] and be generous.

Where do we not follow the creature? When we see the deficit of the creature, not the evil of the creature.

Where Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) will give us her divine reward on the Day of Resurrection? When we spend from the blessing given to us.

Where We are not secretly insistent? When a sin is not a crime and we do not commit it.

Where Our work is not a problem? When we do not approve of the creature.

Where is our thinking Dhikr[۶] and our Dhikr is recitation? If we have thought, it is Dhikr, but Dhikr without thinking is recitation. If the Sunnis had thought, they would not have left Amir al-Mu'minin, Yasub al-Din, Imam al-Mubin at home and would not have accepted those two persons.

Where do we become like the Imam of the Time (Peace be upon him)? "Baqīyyat Allah"[۱۲۱] means the Imam is not going anywhere, we are also not going anywhere.

Where are we going to hell? When we came to the community; Because this is the community of the creature. Seventy thousand people came to the community. Community means a large population and small commandment. Community means wrong!

یا علی


  1. وانظر الی ما قال و لاتنظر الی من قال [Look at what is being said. Do not look at who is saying]
  2. (Ghurar al-ḥikam، Hadith 5048، )
  3. ضرار
  4. ۴٫۰ ۴٫۱ بدعت [Adding something to, or omitting something from, religion]
  5. کعبه
  6. ۶٫۰ ۶٫۱ ذکر [Remembrance of God]
  7. ۷٫۰ ۷٫۱ ۷٫۲ ۷٫۳ شریح قاضی
  8. ۸٫۰۰ ۸٫۰۱ ۸٫۰۲ ۸٫۰۳ ۸٫۰۴ ۸٫۰۵ ۸٫۰۶ ۸٫۰۷ ۸٫۰۸ ۸٫۰۹ ۸٫۱۰ ۸٫۱۱
  9. هباءً منثورا [dust particles in the air]
  10. ۱۰٫۰ ۱۰٫۱ طواف
  11. ۱۱٫۰۰ ۱۱٫۰۱ ۱۱٫۰۲ ۱۱٫۰۳ ۱۱٫۰۴ ۱۱٫۰۵ ۱۱٫۰۶ ۱۱٫۰۷ ۱۱٫۰۸ ۱۱٫۰۹ ۱۱٫۱۰ ۱۱٫۱۱ ۱۱٫۱۲ عایشه
  12. (Iḥqāq al-ḥaq، جلد 10، صفحه 186) And (Lisān al-mīzān، جلد 1، صفحه 134)
  13. ۱۳٫۰ ۱۳٫۱ ۱۳٫۲ ۱۳٫۳ ۱۳٫۴ ۱۳٫۵ ۱۳٫۶ ۱۳٫۷ ۱۳٫۸ ۱۳٫۹ مصحف
  14. ۱۴٫۰ ۱۴٫۱ ۱۴٫۲ الیوم أکملت لکم دینکم [This day I have perfected for you your religion.]
  15. (Man lā yaḥ'ḍuruhū al-faqih، جلد 3، صفحه 390)
  16. قلب المؤمن، عرش الرحمن
  17. اولئک کالأنعام، بل هم اضل
  18. ۱۸٫۰ ۱۸٫۱ معراج [the journey of the Prophet from the earth to the skies]
  19. ۱۹٫۰ ۱۹٫۱ ۱۹٫۲ ۱۹٫۳ ۱۹٫۴ ۱۹٫۵ عترت [Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet; Fatima al-Zahra and twelve Imams]
  20. حسبنا کتاب الله [God's book (the Quran) is enough for us.]
  21. یعسوب الدین
  22. امام المبین
  23. بغضاً لأبیک
  24. یا ثارالله
  25. Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon him) said: No prophet was sent on a mission unless he confessed to the virtue and love of Hazrat Zahra (Peace be upon her) (Madīnah al-m'ājiz, Bahrāny، )
  26. ۲۶٫۰ ۲۶٫۱ ۲۶٫۲ ۲۶٫۳ معاویه
  27. (Iḥqāq al-ḥaq, shūshtary، جلد 19، صفحه 16)
  28. The messenger of God said: For this reason, she was called Zahra because the heavens were illuminated by her light. (Bihār al-anwār، جلد 40، صفحه 44) And (Bihār al-anwār، جلد 43، صفحه 11)
  29. ۲۹٫۰ ۲۹٫۱ ۲۹٫۲ ۲۹٫۳ ۲۹٫۴ ۲۹٫۵ ۲۹٫۶ ۲۹٫۷ ۲۹٫۸ ۲۹٫۹ چادر
  30. ۳۰٫۰۰ ۳۰٫۰۱ ۳۰٫۰۲ ۳۰٫۰۳ ۳۰٫۰۴ ۳۰٫۰۵ ۳۰٫۰۶ ۳۰٫۰۷ ۳۰٫۰۸ ۳۰٫۰۹ ۳۰٫۱۰ ۳۰٫۱۱ ناموس
  31. ۳۱٫۰ ۳۱٫۱ ۳۱٫۲ ۳۱٫۳ ۳۱٫۴ کفواً احد [No one is like him]
  32. مهاجر و انصار
  33. ۳۳٫۰ ۳۳٫۱ ۳۳٫۲ هل من ناصر [Is there a helper to help me]
  34. The Prophet said to Amir al-Mu'minin (Peace be upon him): If you were not, there would be no peer for Fatima. (Bihār al-Anwār، جلد 43، صفحه 107) , etc.
  35. ۳۵٫۰ ۳۵٫۱ ۳۵٫۲ ۳۵٫۳ ۳۵٫۴ ۳۵٫۵ ۳۵٫۶ مهریه [is the obligation, in the form of money or possessions paid by the groom, to the bride at the time of marriage]
  36. ۳۶٫۰ ۳۶٫۱ ۳۶٫۲ مغیره
  37. غسل
  38. قنفذ
  39. قائم
  40. Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon him) said: When our Qa'im[۳۹] comes to Medina, he brings those two persons out of the grave while they are still fresh. So, he damns them and hangs them on a tree and then He brings them down and sets them on fire and blows their ashes into the wind. (Bihār al-anwār، جلد 52، صفحه 386)
  41. ۴۱٫۰ ۴۱٫۱ پنج تن
  42. (hadith al-Kisa'، ghurar al-akhbār and durar al-āthār (deylami), al-manāqib (damishqi), awālim al-'ulūm (baḥrāni), muntakhab (ṭureyḥi), nahj al-maḥajjah، )
  43. جبت و طاغوت
  44. هیأتی
  45. غیرتی
  46. ('Ilal al-sharāye', section 148، صفحه 187)
  47. هو الأول و الآخر
  48. ۴۸٫۰ ۴۸٫۱ ۴۸٫۲ ۴۸٫۳ ۴۸٫۴ ۴۸٫۵ تولی و تبری [we should hate Ali's enemies and like his friends.]
  49. ۴۹٫۰ ۴۹٫۱ ۴۹٫۲ ۴۹٫۳ اویس [One of the companions of the Prophet and Amir al-Mu'minin, whose job was to graze camels, and the Prophet described him as: Owais is my brother, his prayers are answered.]
  50. امام المتقین
  51. ۵۱٫۰ ۵۱٫۱ ۵۱٫۲ حضرت زینب
  52. ۵۲٫۰ ۵۲٫۱ ام کلثوم
  53. اللهم لاتمقتنی
  54. ۵۴٫۰ ۵۴٫۱ احمد شاه
  55. ۵۵٫۰ ۵۵٫۱ رضا شاه
  56. بی حجابی
  57. قاجار
  58. فضه
  59. ۵۹٫۰ ۵۹٫۱ انما الدنیا فناء و الآخرة بقاء
  60. قال الصادق و قال الباقر
  61. حب الدنیا رأس کل خطیئة [The affection for this world is above all sins.]
  62. ۶۲٫۰ ۶۲٫۱ ۶۲٫۲ ۶۲٫۳ ۶۲٫۴ ۶۲٫۵ روضه
  63. ام المؤمنین
  64. ۶۴٫۰ ۶۴٫۱ حوئب
  65. طلحه
  66. زبیر
  67. حضرت رقیه
  68. حضرت ابوالفضل
  69. (Sharḥ al-akhbār، جلد 3، صفحه 182) And (Bihār al-anwār، جلد 45، صفحه 40)
  70. آقای بروجردی
  71. ۷۱٫۰ ۷۱٫۱ تربت
  72. ۷۲٫۰ ۷۲٫۱ کل یوم عاشورا
  73. ۷۳٫۰ ۷۳٫۱ ۷۳٫۲ ۷۳٫۳ ۷۳٫۴ ۷۳٫۵ عاشورا
  74. ۷۴٫۰ ۷۴٫۱ ۷۴٫۲ واجب [A commandment of God and Imams that must be performed]
  75. ۷۵٫۰ ۷۵٫۱ ۷۵٫۲ ۷۵٫۳ ۷۵٫۴ حرام [An action that is prohibited by God and Imams]
  76. ۷۶٫۰ ۷۶٫۱ ۷۶٫۲ اتتظار الفرج [Waiting for the Imam of Time to come and help him.]
  77. ۷۷٫۰ ۷۷٫۱ ابو موسی اشعری
  78. ۷۸٫۰ ۷۸٫۱ فتوا
  79. ۷۹٫۰ ۷۹٫۱ یزید
  80. The translation of the disgraceful fatwa[۷۸] is as follows: Hussein has broken the pillars of the Muslims and has opposed Amir al-Mu'minin Yazid ibn Muawiya[۷۹]. For me, his departure from Islam has been proven, and my ruling is to fight him, and killing him is wajib[۷۴] to keep the religion of Islam! (Alfein (Allāmi ḥelly)، ) and (Maqtal Jāmi'، صفحه 282)
  81. رجعت
  82. ترک اولی [Abandoning the better]
  83. ۸۳٫۰ ۸۳٫۱ کربلا
  84. ابن سعد
  85. مداح
  86. ماه محرم
  87. تباکی
  88. ۸۸٫۰ ۸۸٫۱ ۸۸٫۲ ۸۸٫۳ سلمان [One of the companions of the Prophet and Amir al-Mu'minin]
  89. عبدالعظیم حسنی [One of the companions of Imams]
  90. کمیل
  91. ۹۱٫۰ ۹۱٫۱ آصف
  92. بلقیس
  93. برزخ
  94. ام السلمه
  95. جنگ صفین
  96. ۹۶٫۰ ۹۶٫۱ ۹۶٫۲ ۹۶٫۳ ۹۶٫۴ ۹۶٫۵ ۹۶٫۶ ۹۶٫۷ محرم [a person who is haram for one to marry and/or it is permissible for one to see them without hijab; confidant]
  97. یا حجة بن الحسن
  98. قوم لوط
  99. (Manāqib، جلد 1، صفحه 495)
  100. ۱۰۰٫۰ ۱۰۰٫۱ ۱۰۰٫۲ دیوث
  101. نامحرم
  102. والله خیر الرازقین [God is the best of providers]
  103. حلالی حلال الی یوم القیامة، حرامی حرام الی یوم القیامة
  104. حلال [Any action that religion allows to do]
  105. انتظار الخلق
  106. ۱۰۶٫۰ ۱۰۶٫۱ ۱۰۶٫۲ ۱۰۶٫۳ ۱۰۶٫۴ عمره
  107. (Bihār al-anwār، جلد 42، صفحه 300)
  108. ولی [Possessing the whole of creation from God]
  109. ۱۰۹٫۰ ۱۰۹٫۱ لا اله الا الله [There is no effective being except Allah]
  110. ۱۱۰٫۰ ۱۱۰٫۱ ۱۱۰٫۲ بشر حافی
  111. ۱۱۱٫۰ ۱۱۱٫۱ ۱۱۱٫۲ ۱۱۱٫۳ ۱۱۱٫۴ اسامه
  112. ۱۱۲٫۰ ۱۱۲٫۱ تبری
  113. ثقلین [Two treasures; The Book of God and the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet]
  114. ۱۱۴٫۰ ۱۱۴٫۱ میثم
  115. کلام
  116. محدوده
  117. اهل البیت
  118. سلمان منا أهل البیت [Salman is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt]
  119. هشام
  120. مقدس [A person who, instead of obeying God's command and considering God's purpose, acts according to his own purpose, according to his own desire and according to his own imagination.]
  121. بقیة الله
حاج حسین خوش لهجه نابغه ولایت؛ حاج حسین خوش لهجه